Computer Network: operating system data structure database security Apply password technology information systems security Language Programming Network Programming Hybrid Intelligent System Network Engineering and Security Computer and network security System Analysis and Design Methods The adoption of information technology by organizations Human factors in information systems Knowledge based systems or expert systems artificial intelligence: machine translation automatic programming intelligent control human-computer interaction intelligent robot robot system adaptive control genetic programming natural language processing Intelligent Information System Machine perception and virtual reality Design and Evaluation of Intelligent Tutoring System Design and Implementation of Intelligent Human Computer Interaction AI driven data analysis and educational decision-making
Submission Portal
Mail Address:
If you have any question or need any assistance regarding the conference, please feel free to contact our conference specialists;

- 李老师
- TEL:18581520396 (微信同号)
- QQ:3959598883
Important Dates
Submission Deadline:2025-05-12
Registration Deadline:2025-05-20
Conference Date:2025-05-28
Notification Date:About a week after the submission
Indexing Service

Technical Sponsor